عضو شوید

نام کاربری
رمز عبور

:: فراموشی رمز عبور؟

عضویت سریع

نام کاربری
رمز عبور
تکرار رمز
کد تصویری
براي اطلاع از آپدیت شدن وبلاگ در خبرنامه وبلاگ عضو شويد تا جديدترين مطالب به ايميل شما ارسال شود

تاریخ : سه شنبه 6 خرداد 1399
بازدید : 2902
نویسنده : نعـــــــــــــــیم ایــــــرانــــی

RFA-2010 - Railings

1   Fence - Chain Link (AUS)
2   Fence Post - Square (AUS)

RFA-2010 - Site

1   2D Football Field
2   2D Tennis Court
3   400m Track
4   Badminton Court
5   Badminton
6   Basketball Court
7   Basketball
8   Bench 1200 x 450 mm
9   Bike Stand
10   Bollard (1)
11   Bollard (2)
12   Bollard - Cast Iron
13   Bollard - Steel
14   Bollard - Timber
15   Bollard 1
16   Bollard 2
17   Dissuader
18   Flag Pole
19   Football
20   Furn - Letter Box - Post Mounted
21   Furn - Letter Box- 200 x 300 x 75 mm
22   LPG Tanks - Above Surface (AUS)
23   Letter Box - Post Mounted
24   Letter Box
25   Letter Box-Post Mounted
26   Letter Box
27   M-Trash Can
28   M_Bike Stand
29   M_Bollard 1
30   M_Bollard 2
31   M_Dumpster
32   M_Flag Pole
33   M_Park Bench
34   M_Planter
35   M_Trash Can
36   Park Bench
37   Planter (1)
38   Planter (2)
39   Planter (3)
40   Planter 1
41   Planter 2
42   Planter(1)
43   Planter(3)
44   Planter-Circular
45   Planter
46   Portaloo (AUS)
47   Post Box in Wall
48   Post Box
49   Public Seating (1)
50   Public Seating (2)
51   Public Seating 1
52   Public Seating 2
53   Site - Smartpole (AUS)
54   Site - Street Sign (AUS)
55   Street Signage-2300 mm high
56   Table Tennis Court
57   Trap Door with Grid
58   Trash Can
59   Domestic Wheely
60   Eurobin
61   Paladin Container
62   Round Litter
63   UK_Bin_Wheeled Recycling
64   Wheeled Recycling
65   2D - Inspection Chamber - Foul - Circular
66   2D - Inspection Chamber - Foul - Rectangular
67   2D - Inspection Chamber - Storm - Circular
68   2D - Inspection Chamber - Storm - Rectangular
69   2D - RWP
70   2D - SVP
71   RWP Circular
72   RWP Square
73   2D Football Field
74   2D Tennis Court
75   Concrete Truck
76   Construction Crane
77   Construction Trailer
78   M_Concrete Truck
79   M_Construction Crane
80   M_Construction Trailer
81   M_Porta-John
82   M_Scaffolding
83   M_Truck - Pick-Up
84   M_Waste Container
85   Portaloo
86   Scaffolding
87   Scaffolding_connect
88   Truck - Pick-Up
89   Waste Container
90   Disabled Bays
91   Disabled Space
92   M_Curb - ADA-2D
93   M_Direction Arrows - Straight & Turn
94   M_Direction Arrows - Straight
95   M_Direction Arrows - Turn
96   M_Parking Island 1
97   M_Parking Island 2
98   M_Parking Island-Double Sided
99   M_Parking Island-Single Sided
100   M_Parking Space
101   M_Parking Symbol - ADA
102   M_Pavement Stripe
103   Parking Island (1)
104   Parking Island (2)
105   Parking Island - Double Sided
106   Parking Island - Single Sided
107   Pavement Stripe
108   Pavement Stripe_2D
109   Site - Parking Space (AUS)
110   Standard Bays
111   Standard Space
112   Wheelchair Symbol
113   Wheelchair Symbol_2D
114   Post Box - Wall
115   Post Box
116   GiveWay 1875mm Long
117   GiveWay 1875mm Long_2D
118   GiveWay 3750mm Long
119   GiveWay 3750mm Long_2D
120   Left Right Turn Arrow
121   Left Right Turn Arrow_2D
122   Straight On Arrow
123   Straight On Arrow_2D
124   Straight w Turn
125   Straight w Turn_2D
126   Sports field - AFL (AUS)
127   Sports field - Cricket (AUS)
128   Sports field - NRL (AUS)
129   Sports field - Netball (AUS)
130   Cable Connection
131   Condensate Connection
132   DSL Connection
133   Fiber Optic Connection
134   Gas Connection
135   M_Cable Connection
136   M_Catch Basin
137   M_Condensate Connection
138   M_DSL Connection
139   M_Fiber Optic Connection
140   M_Fire Hydrant
141   M_Gas Connection
142   M_Manhole
143   M_Roof Drain(s) Connection
144   M_Sanitary Sewer Connection
145   M_Steam Connection
146   M_Telephone Connection
147   M_Utility Pole
148   M_Water Connection
149   Roof Drain(s) Connection
150   Sanitary Sewer Connection
151   Steam Connection
152   Telephone Connection
153   Water Connection


RFA-2010 - Specialty Equipment

1   Blind
2   M_Column Doric
3   M_Column with Pedestal
4   M_Corinthium Capitel
5   M_Corinthium Column-Body
6   M_Corinthium Column
7   M_Corinthium Order
8   M_Doric Order
9   M_Pedestal Doric
10   Capital Corinthian
11   Column Corinthian
12   Column Doric
13   Column with Pedestal
14   Column-Body Corinthian
15   Order Corinthian
16   Order Doric
17   Pedestal Doric
18   Book Stack 5 level
19   Book Stack 6 level
20   Chair Student - Medium
21   Chair Student - Small
22   Desk Student
23   Drop Down Screen
24   Lectern
25   Locker - Single
26   M_Dbl Sided Carrel
27   M_Single Carrel
28   M_Stack Shelving
29   Magazine Rack 4 shelf
30   Magazine Rack 5 shelf
31   Notice Board - Wall Mounted
32   Notice Board
33   Study Carrel
34   White Board - Wall Mounted
35   White Board
36   Escalator (AUS)
37   Lift - Centre door (AUS)
38   Lift - Side Door (AUS)
39   2D Lift - Electric
40   2D Lift - Hydraulic
41   2D Lift
42   Escalator (1)
43   Escalator (2)
44   Lift Assembly
45   Lift Glass
46   Lift Massive
47   Champagne Bottle
48   Cup and Saucer
49   Cup w Saucer
50   Cup
51   Cutlery Fork
52   Cutlery Knife
53   Cutlery Spoon
54   Place Setting
55   Plate
56   Saucer
57   Table Candle
58   Vine Bottle
59   Vine Glass
60   Wine Bottle
61   Wine Glass (1)
62   Wine Glass (2)
63   Dock Shelter
64   Lancet Cross Vault - Rectangula (6)
65   Lancet Cross Vault - Rectangular (4)
66   Lancet Cross Vault - Rectangular (5)
67   M_Cupola A
68   M_Octogonal Dome with Cornice
69   Octogonal Dome with Cornice
70   Round Arch Cross Vault (1)
71   Round Arch Cross Vault (2)
72   Freezer - Chest
73   Freezer - Upright
74   BBQ Oven (AUS)
75   BBQ grill (AUS)
76   Coffee Maker (AUS)
77   Computer
78   Cook Top (1)
79   Cook Top (2)
80   Cooktop(1)_2D
81   Cooktop(2)_2D
82   Cooktop(2)_ELEV_2D
83   Cooktop(3)_2D
84   Cooktop(3)_ELEV_2D
85   Cooktop(4)_2D
86   Cooktop(4)_ELEV_2D
87   Cooktop(5)_2D
88   Cooktop(6)_2D
89   Cooktop(6)_ELEV_2D
90   Cooktop(7)_ELEV_2D
91   Cup (AUS)
92   Cup w Saucer (AUS)
93   Dishwasher (1)
94   Dishwasher (2)
95   Dishwasher(1)_2D
96   Dishwasher(1)_ELEV_2D
97   Dishwasher(2)_2D
98   Dishwasher(2)_ELEV_2D
99   Dishwasher(3)_2D
100   Dishwasher(3)_ELEV_2D
101   Dryer (AUS)
102   Dryer
103   Electric Hob
104   Exhaust Hood - Corner (AUS)
105   Exhaust Hood - Corner
106   Exhaust Hood - Wall (AUS)
107   Exhaust Hood
108   Gas Cooker
109   Gas Hob
110   Hood_2D
111   Hood_ELEV_2D
112   Kitchenette - Small
113   M_Cook Top-2 Unit
114   M_Cook Top-4 Unit
115   M_Dishwasher
116   M_Dryer
117   M_Exhaust Hood - Corner
118   M_Exhaust Hood
119   M_Kitchenette - Medium
120   M_Kitchenette - Small
121   M_Microwave
122   M_Range Hood
123   M_Range
124   M_Refrigerator
125   M_Trash Compactor
126   M_Washer
127   Microwave (AUS)
128   Microwave
129   Microwave_2D
130   Microwave_ELEV_2D
131   Oven - Under Counter (1)
132   Oven - Under Counter (2)
133   Refrigerator - Under Counter
134   Refrigerator Freezer - Built-in
135   Refrigerator
136   Sink(1)_2D
137   Sink(2)_2D
138   Telephone
139   Washer (AUS)
140   Washer
141   CPU - Tower
142   Copier - Floor
143   Copier - Table
144   Fax - Table
145   Flat Screen Computer Monitor
146   Phone
147   Printer - Table
148   Escalator (1)
149   Escalator (2)
150   Glass Lift - Rectangular
151   Lift Assembly
152   M_Electric Lift- Wall Based
153   M_Electric Lift-4 Person Wall Based
154   M_Electric Lift-4 Person
155   M_Escalator
156   M_Step
157   Exercise Bike
158   Lifting Bench
159   Treadmill
160   Exit Sign
161   Fire Alarm - Horn
162   Fire Alarm Control Panel
163   Fire Alarm Pull Box
164   Floor Drain
165   Smoke Detector
166   Sprinkler Head
167   Bell Sounder
168   Break Glass Point
169   Break Glass
170   Detector - Smoke Heat
171   Exit Sign
172   Extinguisher - C02
173   Fire Alarm - Wall
174   Fire Extinguisher - Water
175   Fire Extinguisher C02
176   Fire Extinguisher Cabinet
177   Fire Extinguisher
178   Fire Hose Cabinet
179   M_Exit Sign
180   M_Fire Alarm - Wall
181   M_Fire Alarm Control Panel-Wall-2D
182   M_Fire Alarm Control Panel-Wall
183   M_Fire Alarm Pull Box-Wall-2D
184   M_Fire Extinguisher Cabinet
185   M_Fire Hose Cabinet
186   M_Smoke Detector
187   M_Sprinkler
188   Alternating Tread Device (AUS)
189   Cage Ladder (AUS)
190   Ladder (AUS)
191   Alternating Tread Device
192   Cage Ladder
193   Ladder
194   M_Alternating Tread Device
195   M_Cage Ladder
196   M_Ladder
197   Gas Meter - Floor
198   Meter - Wall Mounted (1)
199   Meter wall mounted (2)
200   Roof Ladder
201   Signage - Baby
202   Signage - Disabled
203   Signage - Electricity
204   Signage - Female
205   Signage - Fire Door Ahead
206   Signage - Fire Door Below
207   Signage - Fire Door Left
208   Signage - Fire Door Right
209   Signage - Flamable
210   Signage - Male
211   Signage - No Smoking
212   Signage - Telephone
213   Signage - WC
214   Soiled Linen Trolley
215   Display Case - Wood Frosted Glass
216   Freezer - Closed Top
217   Freezer - Island
218   Freezer - Upright Five Door
219   Freezer - Upright Four Door
220   Freezer - Upright Two Door
221   Gondola - End
222   Gondola - One Sided
223   Gondola - Two Sided
224   Merchandiser - Dairy
225   Merchandiser - Meat - High
226   Merchandiser - Meat - Low
227   Produce - Merchandiser
228   Produce - Waterfall
229   Rack - Video
230   Refrigerator - Upright Three Door
231   Shoe Stool
232   Slatwall Four Sided
233   Slatwall Square
234   Vending - Candy
235   Vending - Soda
236   TFT Monitor
237   Warehouse Racking

:: موضوعات مرتبط: رویت - Revit , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: دانلود آبجکت رویت , RFA2010 , Railings ,

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